Svetlana shchedrina | luckyoptimist

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van Svetlana-shchedrina-|-luckyoptimist in de database.
For me- "to love" - is the synonym to the word - "to breathe". Not more and not less!!!
To learn any foreign language first you need to fall in love with it
LET ME SHAPE YOUR WORLD (does this shape fits?)
LET ME SHAPE YOUR WORLD does such shape fit? ;-)
Yesterday I knew how to make a new brush in photoshop totally myself, though I had never worked with brushes before (didn't even use, not create),hmm, interesting experience. Even if to think abstractly -TODAY- you don't know what something means & how it can be used!TOMORROW- you not only use but create a new one of the same kind! Isn't it paradox of life?! Isn't it a prove that there're so much new to learn & so many possibilities and opportunities which're just one step from you & me.